Accessibility on the Web

Accessibility on the web has been on my mind recently. Both my mom and mom-in-law had cataract surgery just over a year ago. Before the surgery they were struggling to see well. It’s better now, but as they continue to age it’s bound to be an issue in the future. This has led me to look closer at accessibility in web design and development.

In a recent search through material, I found this article written by Manuel Matuzović over on A List Apart. He lists 10 lessons that he has learned in his journey to design accessible websites and he has this to say about accessibility in general:

For the web to be truly accessible, everyone who makes websites needs to care about accessibility. We tend to use our own abilities as a baseline when we’re designing and building websites. Instead, we need to keep in mind our diverse users and their diverse abilities to make sure we’re creating inclusive products that aren’t just designed for a specific range of people.

There’s a nice list of resources at the end of the article – please check it out.